The Michigan State Gem, Chlorastrolite, commonly called "Greenstone" or "Isle Royale Greenstone", is a bluish-green stone with patterns often associated with the back of a turtle. Greenstone pebbles are chiefly found on the beaches of Isle Royale in Lake Superior.
Michigan designated the Isle Royale greenstone as the official state gem in 1973.
Although a very attractive stone, I couldn’t find any healing properties associated with Chlorastrolite so I’ll move on to the state stone of Michigan, the Petoskey Stone.
The Petoskey stone is a rock and a fossil, often pebble-shaped, that is composed of a fossilized coral. It is made up of fragments of a coral reef deposited millions of years ago and is only found in Michigan. Lapidary techniques bring out the distinctive mottled pattern, making it a favorite of decorative object designers.
Petoskey Stone is said to keep mischievous spirits from channeling incorrect information or interfering with one's life. It is said to enhance awareness of the emotions and to clear out negative energies from the environment. The Petoskey Stone is believed to enhance creative expression.
Traditional healing folklore contends that the Petoskey Stone is helpful for healing AIDS, Cancer, infections, diseases of the skeletal system, and tumors of all kinds.
The addition of the Petoskey stone to my necklace can help me to be the best I can be at work and to instill excellence at home.
Michigan designated the Petoskey stone as its official "state stone" in 1965.

A Gem of a Country

Friday, November 18, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
New Jersey - PREHNITE and AMBER
Even though New Jersey ranks among the world's three most noted gem and mineral producing regions it does not have an official state gemstone. The northern Skylands Region is rich with rubies, sapphires, blood-red garnets, pink Rhodonite, fluorescent Willamette, prehnite, amber and other precious beauties. Jersey is home to more than 200 mineral species.
According to Franklin Mines, NJ, this gemstone is the Unofficial State Mineral of New Jersey. A colorless, gray, yellow, yellowish-green or white stone, Prehnite is named for the Dutch mineralogist and early governor of the “Cape of Good Hope” colony, Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn (1733-1785), who discovered it in South Africa in the early 18th century. Prehnite was the first mineral to be named after a person.
Prehnite is said to make dreams easier to remember and reduce nightmares. It is thought to bring balance and harmony to the flow of life energy. Prehnite can assist in forming healthy relationships and is known as a “stone of unconditional love”. Some feel that Prehnite crystals can also assist one to release old, painful memories.
Prehnite helps to clear toxins from the body and can assist in finding the root cause of an illness.
The addition of Prehnite to my necklace can ease the pain of kidney, shoulder, chest and lung ailments.
Amber is polymerized tree resin that has hardened and has been preserved. An especially rich bed of Amber was found in New Jersey that yielded samples dating back as much as 94 million years. The most treasured Amber encases species of insects, spiders, frogs, marine microfossils, feathers and other small organisms.
Amber has been used historically in the manufacture of jewelry and ornaments, and also forms the flavoring for akvavit liquor.
In Lithuania, an amber necklace was placed around a child to prevent kidnapping. Beaded amber necklaces are still a traditional gift for a child to express love and protection. In Latvia, bands of amber rings were used in wedding ceremonies to symbolize an eternal bond.
Amber can help the wearer fight depression. It absorbs pain and negative energy and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression. Amber helps to attract joy and bring wisdom, balance and patience.
Adding Amber to my necklace will combat depression and aid in the treatment of throat, stomach, kidney and joint problems.
Northwest New Jersey is known as "The Fluorescent Capital of the World." One of these fluorescent minerals is Willemite. Willemite, in its normal state, is a rather non-descript stone but hit it with a fluorescent light and you see neon colors of green, orange and blue.
Willemite helps us to be kind to all creatures, and is associated with caring and tenderness.
According to Franklin Mines, NJ, this gemstone is the Unofficial State Mineral of New Jersey. A colorless, gray, yellow, yellowish-green or white stone, Prehnite is named for the Dutch mineralogist and early governor of the “Cape of Good Hope” colony, Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn (1733-1785), who discovered it in South Africa in the early 18th century. Prehnite was the first mineral to be named after a person.
Prehnite is said to make dreams easier to remember and reduce nightmares. It is thought to bring balance and harmony to the flow of life energy. Prehnite can assist in forming healthy relationships and is known as a “stone of unconditional love”. Some feel that Prehnite crystals can also assist one to release old, painful memories.
Prehnite helps to clear toxins from the body and can assist in finding the root cause of an illness.
The addition of Prehnite to my necklace can ease the pain of kidney, shoulder, chest and lung ailments.
Amber is polymerized tree resin that has hardened and has been preserved. An especially rich bed of Amber was found in New Jersey that yielded samples dating back as much as 94 million years. The most treasured Amber encases species of insects, spiders, frogs, marine microfossils, feathers and other small organisms.
Amber has been used historically in the manufacture of jewelry and ornaments, and also forms the flavoring for akvavit liquor.
In Lithuania, an amber necklace was placed around a child to prevent kidnapping. Beaded amber necklaces are still a traditional gift for a child to express love and protection. In Latvia, bands of amber rings were used in wedding ceremonies to symbolize an eternal bond.
Amber can help the wearer fight depression. It absorbs pain and negative energy and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression. Amber helps to attract joy and bring wisdom, balance and patience.
Adding Amber to my necklace will combat depression and aid in the treatment of throat, stomach, kidney and joint problems.
Northwest New Jersey is known as "The Fluorescent Capital of the World." One of these fluorescent minerals is Willemite. Willemite, in its normal state, is a rather non-descript stone but hit it with a fluorescent light and you see neon colors of green, orange and blue.
Willemite helps us to be kind to all creatures, and is associated with caring and tenderness.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
New Mexico – TURQUOISE
Turquoise is possibly the oldest gemstones known to man. It is an opaque stone typically ranging in color from blue-to-green with some rarer strains in purple and yellow. The majority of the world's finest-quality turquoise comes from the western and southwestern United States with New Mexico coming in first in production up until the 1920’s.
As rich as it is in color, Turquoise is rich in heritage. This gemstone was considered by the ancients to be a sacred stone, protective against all manners of evil and ill health. The Apache believed that Turquoise assisted warriors and hunters to aim accurately. The Zuni believed that Turquoise held the demons at bay while the Apache believe that placing Turquoise on a bow or gun would make it shoot straight. In the Middle Ages they believed that Turquoise had the power to protect the wearer from injury from falling, especially falling from horse-back, and that it made the horse more sure-footed. Native American medicine men kept Turquoise stones in their sacred bundles because they possess the powers of healing. In modern times there is a belief that turquoise has the power to protect and cleanse while being a symbol of good fortune and success. If you’re wearing a turquoise ring and you look down and see a crack in the stone, the Native Americans would say “the stone took it”, meaning the stone took the blow that was meant for you.
One Native American legend tells of a chief with turquoise colored skin who was being pursued by his enemies in the hot desert. As he fled beads of perspiration would fall to the ground and became Turquoise gems scattered throughout the Southwest.
Over the years Turquoise has become the stone of sky, stone of water, stone of blessings, good fortune, protection, good health and long life. (Decorate my rose quartz body suit with beads of Turquoise.) It is said that Turquoise will grow pale on an ill person and regain its color when the person’s health is restored.
Turquoise is known as an aid in mental functions, communications and expression. It can be worn to protect against pollutants in the atmosphere. The gemstone is excellent for reducing depression and exhaustion and has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise also symbolizes friendship, generosity, sincerity, affection and romantic love. It is a stone of peace and tranquility. A gift of Turquoise represents friendship and luck and bestows wealth and happiness to its receiver.
The addition of a Turquoise bead to my necklace will enhance my immune system, stimulate the regeneration of tissue, and alleviate cramps and pain. It will also sooth a sore throat, tone and strengthen the body and heal the eyes. (And hopefully bring wealth, happiness and long life.)
New Mexico designated Turquoise as its official state gem in 1967.
As rich as it is in color, Turquoise is rich in heritage. This gemstone was considered by the ancients to be a sacred stone, protective against all manners of evil and ill health. The Apache believed that Turquoise assisted warriors and hunters to aim accurately. The Zuni believed that Turquoise held the demons at bay while the Apache believe that placing Turquoise on a bow or gun would make it shoot straight. In the Middle Ages they believed that Turquoise had the power to protect the wearer from injury from falling, especially falling from horse-back, and that it made the horse more sure-footed. Native American medicine men kept Turquoise stones in their sacred bundles because they possess the powers of healing. In modern times there is a belief that turquoise has the power to protect and cleanse while being a symbol of good fortune and success. If you’re wearing a turquoise ring and you look down and see a crack in the stone, the Native Americans would say “the stone took it”, meaning the stone took the blow that was meant for you.
One Native American legend tells of a chief with turquoise colored skin who was being pursued by his enemies in the hot desert. As he fled beads of perspiration would fall to the ground and became Turquoise gems scattered throughout the Southwest.
Over the years Turquoise has become the stone of sky, stone of water, stone of blessings, good fortune, protection, good health and long life. (Decorate my rose quartz body suit with beads of Turquoise.) It is said that Turquoise will grow pale on an ill person and regain its color when the person’s health is restored.
Turquoise is known as an aid in mental functions, communications and expression. It can be worn to protect against pollutants in the atmosphere. The gemstone is excellent for reducing depression and exhaustion and has the power to prevent panic attacks. Turquoise also symbolizes friendship, generosity, sincerity, affection and romantic love. It is a stone of peace and tranquility. A gift of Turquoise represents friendship and luck and bestows wealth and happiness to its receiver.
The addition of a Turquoise bead to my necklace will enhance my immune system, stimulate the regeneration of tissue, and alleviate cramps and pain. It will also sooth a sore throat, tone and strengthen the body and heal the eyes. (And hopefully bring wealth, happiness and long life.)
New Mexico designated Turquoise as its official state gem in 1967.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Georgia - QUARTZ
Quartz is commonly found in the mountains of Georgia. It can be found in a wide array of colors but the Quartz predominately from Georgia is amethyst (purple to lavender) and clear quartz (Rock Crystal). Other varieties of Quartz are Citrine, a yellow to orange gemstone, Prasiolite, a pale green stone, Rose quartz, and Smoky quartz.
Besides its wide spread and varied use in fashion and fine jewelry, Quartz has been used since the middle ages in the making of crystal balls to predict the future.
Not only is Quartz one of the most prominent substances found on Earth, it has also been found on the moon.
In Ancient Japan, Quartz was believed to be formed from the breath of a white dragon and thus represents perfection. Australian Aborigines used it to encourage rain in rain rituals.
To this day, Quartz is still considered a power stone. It absorbs, stores, amplifies, and focuses energy. It is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one's environment and for clearing away negative forces. Quartz can also enhance concentration and aid in the ability to study and retain information. It can even be helpful in romantic relationships.
Rose Quartz can be used to assist in weight loss, to clear the complexion and protect against wrinkles. (EBay, search for a rose quartz body suit.) Add some Rutilated quartz and you can slow down the aging process as well.
The addition of a Quartz bauble to my necklace will assist in the healing of chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and intestinal troubles.
Because it’s so interesting, I thought I’d mention Georgia’s state mineral, Staurolite. Staurolite, popularly called "Fairy Crosses" or "Fairy Stones" is abundant in northern Georgia. It is distinctive because of the crossed crystals that make up its structure. Staurolite has been collected for generations as good luck charms.
Quartz was designated as the official state gem of Georgia in 1976, the same year that Staurolite was named Georgia’s official state mineral.
Besides its wide spread and varied use in fashion and fine jewelry, Quartz has been used since the middle ages in the making of crystal balls to predict the future.
Not only is Quartz one of the most prominent substances found on Earth, it has also been found on the moon.
In Ancient Japan, Quartz was believed to be formed from the breath of a white dragon and thus represents perfection. Australian Aborigines used it to encourage rain in rain rituals.
To this day, Quartz is still considered a power stone. It absorbs, stores, amplifies, and focuses energy. It is excellent for harmonizing and balancing one's environment and for clearing away negative forces. Quartz can also enhance concentration and aid in the ability to study and retain information. It can even be helpful in romantic relationships.
Rose Quartz can be used to assist in weight loss, to clear the complexion and protect against wrinkles. (EBay, search for a rose quartz body suit.) Add some Rutilated quartz and you can slow down the aging process as well.
The addition of a Quartz bauble to my necklace will assist in the healing of chronic fatigue, arthritis, bone injuries, depression, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and intestinal troubles.
Because it’s so interesting, I thought I’d mention Georgia’s state mineral, Staurolite. Staurolite, popularly called "Fairy Crosses" or "Fairy Stones" is abundant in northern Georgia. It is distinctive because of the crossed crystals that make up its structure. Staurolite has been collected for generations as good luck charms.
Quartz was designated as the official state gem of Georgia in 1976, the same year that Staurolite was named Georgia’s official state mineral.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Ohio - FLINT
When I pulled Ohio out of the “hat” and looked up their official state gemstone I was sorely disappointed. Flint?…… that’s that grey rock that you use to build a campfire if you’re a Boy Scout or a Survivor contestant. But was I wrong. Flint is actually found in a bevy of colors from red, pink, green, blue, yellow, grey, white, to black. Some of its coloring is quite vibrant and it seems to be a popular stone in contemporary jewelry design. I saw some exquisite pieces which, believe it or not, I actually resisted buying, all but the lovely stone to include in my necklace and a Native American Flint arrowhead.
Large quantities of Flint can still be found in eastern and central Ohio.
Flint was used historically in the making of tools, weapons, ceremonial pieces and pipes. Since we no longer fashion our weapons out of stone, Flint today, polished to a glowing shine, is used in the making of jewelry. Make love, not war! (How do you make a peace sign on the keyboard? I’m sure there’s some cutesy F5, Ctrl, Alt, turn around in your seat and hit any key way, but I’d have to ask a teenager or a twenty-something.)
Also known as fairy shot, elf shot, and elf arrow, Flint was once used in Ireland as a protective amulet against mischievous fairies and elves.
Flint is said to be able to assist one to survive in difficult circumstances. It also enhances will-power and courage. You can wear an amulet of Flint to protect against evil forces and to overcome shyness. It can also help one to separate themselves from stressful situations.
The additional of Flint to my necklace will help in the treatment of kidney stones, skin lesions, indigestion and disorders of the lungs and liver. (To think we wasted its powers in weaponry.)
In 1965, the Ohio General adopted Flint as Ohio's official gemstone.
Large quantities of Flint can still be found in eastern and central Ohio.
Flint was used historically in the making of tools, weapons, ceremonial pieces and pipes. Since we no longer fashion our weapons out of stone, Flint today, polished to a glowing shine, is used in the making of jewelry. Make love, not war! (How do you make a peace sign on the keyboard? I’m sure there’s some cutesy F5, Ctrl, Alt, turn around in your seat and hit any key way, but I’d have to ask a teenager or a twenty-something.)
Also known as fairy shot, elf shot, and elf arrow, Flint was once used in Ireland as a protective amulet against mischievous fairies and elves.
Flint is said to be able to assist one to survive in difficult circumstances. It also enhances will-power and courage. You can wear an amulet of Flint to protect against evil forces and to overcome shyness. It can also help one to separate themselves from stressful situations.
The additional of Flint to my necklace will help in the treatment of kidney stones, skin lesions, indigestion and disorders of the lungs and liver. (To think we wasted its powers in weaponry.)
In 1965, the Ohio General adopted Flint as Ohio's official gemstone.
Friday, July 8, 2011
There is an old Egyptian legend that when the Tourmaline traveled up from the center of the Earth it passed over a rainbow and assumed all the colors of the rainbow. This is how the Tourmaline got to be known as the “gemstone of the rainbow”.
The Tourmaline is one of the most beautiful of all minerals found in Maine. It ranges in color from black to white including brilliant shades of red, fuchsia, green, and blue. The widely sought after "watermelon" variety has a green outer layer with a pink core.
Except for the treasures found by the prehistoric or Native American “miners”, Tourmaline was the first gemstone mined in the United States. The mining began in Mount Mica, ME, in 1822 and continues to the present.
Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion and serenity. WOW! The watermelon Tourmaline can open one up to accept love and friendship. The gem is worn to promote sympathy towards others and to calm the negative emotions that often upset relationships.
Pink tourmaline can help people with difficulty dealing with fear and who have panic attacks and it can instill confidence.
The addition of the tourmaline to my necklace will encourage the completion of my goals (maybe I will finish this blog) and invite the energy that attracts money, healing and friendship. It will also assist in keeping my digestive system healthy and strengthening my teeth and bones.
Maine designated tourmaline as the official state gemstone in 1971.
The Tourmaline is one of the most beautiful of all minerals found in Maine. It ranges in color from black to white including brilliant shades of red, fuchsia, green, and blue. The widely sought after "watermelon" variety has a green outer layer with a pink core.
Except for the treasures found by the prehistoric or Native American “miners”, Tourmaline was the first gemstone mined in the United States. The mining began in Mount Mica, ME, in 1822 and continues to the present.
Tourmaline increases flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion and serenity. WOW! The watermelon Tourmaline can open one up to accept love and friendship. The gem is worn to promote sympathy towards others and to calm the negative emotions that often upset relationships.
Pink tourmaline can help people with difficulty dealing with fear and who have panic attacks and it can instill confidence.
The addition of the tourmaline to my necklace will encourage the completion of my goals (maybe I will finish this blog) and invite the energy that attracts money, healing and friendship. It will also assist in keeping my digestive system healthy and strengthening my teeth and bones.
Maine designated tourmaline as the official state gemstone in 1971.
Friday, July 1, 2011
To illustrate the significance of both the Nevada official state gemstone and official state rock I need to tell you about the official state tartan (I’m seeing another blog emerging here). The tartan has a blue background with silver, red, yellow and white intersecting lines with the red representing the Virgin Valley black fire opal and the crossing of the yellow and red stripes representing the different colors of Nevada sandstone. Now that’s a noteworthy plaid.
Sandstone, found throughout the state as regular sandstone or as quartzite, is responsible for some of Nevada’s most spectacular landscapes.
In the spiritual arena Sandstone is associated with creativity. It also helps to strengthen the facets of interpersonal relationships. Sandstone encourages truth and advances clarity in thought and sight.
In the same way Sandstone is used as a building material and in the creation of decorative stones, tiles, and monuments, it is also used to build one’s reality and improve the foundation of relationships.
Adding Sandstone to my necklace will dampen bad temper and inhibit general grouchiness, improve water retention and assist in the restoration of weak fingernails and thinning hair.
Nevada's state precious gemstone is the Virgin Valley Black Fire Opal (turquoise is the Nevada state semi-precious gemstone but I‘ll leave that for another state post). The only place that the black fire opal is found in any significant quantity is in northern Nevada's Virgin Valley. This opal rivals most others because of its brilliant play of bright colors on a midnight background.
Legend has it that a black opal encased in gold worn near the heart is said to protect one from the evil eye and other dangers and protect travelers on far away journeys.
The fire opal is used to encourage spontaneous action and new ideas, stimulate enthusiasm and to act as a magnet to draw money and customers to a business.
The opal awakens one’s inner fire and is used as an energy amplifier. It gives the wearer the ability to act in a creative, artistic and passionate manner and encourages confidence and optimism.
Adding the black fire opal to my necklace (and you’ll need to look very hard to find the opal in this bead, but it’s there), can assist in the healing of intestine and adrenal gland ailments, blood disorders, depression and apathy. It will increase vitality and dispel fatigue.
A fifth grade class in Las Vegas lobbied for sandstone to become the official rock of Nevada in 1987. Also in 1987, Nevada adopted the Virgin Valley Black Fire Opal as the official precious gemstone.
Sandstone, found throughout the state as regular sandstone or as quartzite, is responsible for some of Nevada’s most spectacular landscapes.
In the spiritual arena Sandstone is associated with creativity. It also helps to strengthen the facets of interpersonal relationships. Sandstone encourages truth and advances clarity in thought and sight.
In the same way Sandstone is used as a building material and in the creation of decorative stones, tiles, and monuments, it is also used to build one’s reality and improve the foundation of relationships.
Adding Sandstone to my necklace will dampen bad temper and inhibit general grouchiness, improve water retention and assist in the restoration of weak fingernails and thinning hair.
Nevada's state precious gemstone is the Virgin Valley Black Fire Opal (turquoise is the Nevada state semi-precious gemstone but I‘ll leave that for another state post). The only place that the black fire opal is found in any significant quantity is in northern Nevada's Virgin Valley. This opal rivals most others because of its brilliant play of bright colors on a midnight background.
Legend has it that a black opal encased in gold worn near the heart is said to protect one from the evil eye and other dangers and protect travelers on far away journeys.
The fire opal is used to encourage spontaneous action and new ideas, stimulate enthusiasm and to act as a magnet to draw money and customers to a business.
The opal awakens one’s inner fire and is used as an energy amplifier. It gives the wearer the ability to act in a creative, artistic and passionate manner and encourages confidence and optimism.
Adding the black fire opal to my necklace (and you’ll need to look very hard to find the opal in this bead, but it’s there), can assist in the healing of intestine and adrenal gland ailments, blood disorders, depression and apathy. It will increase vitality and dispel fatigue.
A fifth grade class in Las Vegas lobbied for sandstone to become the official rock of Nevada in 1987. Also in 1987, Nevada adopted the Virgin Valley Black Fire Opal as the official precious gemstone.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Montana – Montana Sapphire & Montana Agate
The truth of the matter is that the Montana Sapphire wasn’t really appreciated when it was first found. In the 1860’s the stone was considered a nuisance because it clogged up the tools of the gold miners. It wasn’t until the 1890’s when European companies caught wind of the pretty stones that anyone had any interest in mining the sapphires in Montana. Shortly after this the first Yogo Sapphire was found (also while mining for gold). Yogo sapphires stand out from all other sapphires because they retain their color (cornflower blue) and brilliance under artificial light whereas most sapphires absorb the light making them black and dull.
The sapphire, known as the “wisdom stone” brings wisdom to the wearer while, releasing mental tension, depression and unwanted thoughts. It is also known as the “stone of prosperity” attracting gifts and fulfilling dreams. Specifically the blue sapphire is associated with love and purity. It encourages self-expression and promotes the communication of your beliefs and truths.
Adding a Yogo Sapphire to my necklace (not going to happen) will assist with the treatment of blood disorders, heal the thyroid and calm the nervous system.
The co-state gemstone, Montana Agate, is a milky ivory colored agate with streaks of ochre, rust, brown and black, accented with moss-like patterns. It is found primarily around the Yellowstone River valley. The really exciting ones have naturally produced landscape designs and are used in jewelry and decorative pieces.
The agate helps to determine the truth and is a healer of emotions. It is also said that the agate can improve memory and concentration. (Where’s an agate when you need one.) The agate can also improve one’s analytical skills. Of course, if you can’t remember anything that could be useless. The Montana Agate can help a person learn positive lessons from negative experiences.
Legend has it that when worn as a talisman, the agate helps the wearer to distinguish between true friends and false ones.
A bead of Montana Agate added to my necklace will prevent insomnia and ensure pleasant dreams and increase my physical endurance.
Since 1969 the Montana Sapphire and Montana Agate have shared the state gemstone glory.
The sapphire, known as the “wisdom stone” brings wisdom to the wearer while, releasing mental tension, depression and unwanted thoughts. It is also known as the “stone of prosperity” attracting gifts and fulfilling dreams. Specifically the blue sapphire is associated with love and purity. It encourages self-expression and promotes the communication of your beliefs and truths.
Adding a Yogo Sapphire to my necklace (not going to happen) will assist with the treatment of blood disorders, heal the thyroid and calm the nervous system.
The co-state gemstone, Montana Agate, is a milky ivory colored agate with streaks of ochre, rust, brown and black, accented with moss-like patterns. It is found primarily around the Yellowstone River valley. The really exciting ones have naturally produced landscape designs and are used in jewelry and decorative pieces.
The agate helps to determine the truth and is a healer of emotions. It is also said that the agate can improve memory and concentration. (Where’s an agate when you need one.) The agate can also improve one’s analytical skills. Of course, if you can’t remember anything that could be useless. The Montana Agate can help a person learn positive lessons from negative experiences.
Legend has it that when worn as a talisman, the agate helps the wearer to distinguish between true friends and false ones.
A bead of Montana Agate added to my necklace will prevent insomnia and ensure pleasant dreams and increase my physical endurance.
Since 1969 the Montana Sapphire and Montana Agate have shared the state gemstone glory.
Nephrite Jade, which coincidentally is also known as “Wyoming Jade”, was first discovered in the Granite Mountain area of central Wyoming in 1936. The discovery was followed by an intense mining blitz for the next 20 years or so. A renewed interest in the gem has occurred in recent years, again increasing the mining activity.
Wyoming Jade is said to be some of the finest nephrite in the world and ranges from translucent to opaque in density and covers the complete spectrum of green from pale to olive. This gem should not be confused with jadeite, also known as jade, which is often found in colors of pink, yellow, lavender and orange as well as green. Both gems can be fashioned into jewelry but jadeite is the preferred and more valuable stone.
Jade has been used, historically, to attract love. In China, a jade butterfly is used as a symbol to invite a love interest. An ancient Chinese legend tells of a young man who follows a beautiful butterfly into a wealthy family’s garden and meets his true love. Jade can also be used to bring money into your life. Love… (visualize me using the universal scale weighing gesture), I guess you can’t lose if the gem spirits get mixed up. Holding a stone of jade while making a fiscal business decision will help you use your funds more creatively and productively.
Jade can be used as a protective amulet against accidents and misfortune. It is particularly good to protect children from illness. Chinese parents often give their sons and daughters jade bracelets to remind them of their love and to keep them safe.
The addition of a nephrite jade bead to my necklace will be helpful in the healing of lung, kidney, heart and stomach ailments. It can also strengthen my mental faculties, assist in clear reasoning and encourage emotional balance and stability. (Good Luck.) It can also be used to heal PTSD and nervous system overload.
The state of Wyoming designated Jade (Nephrite) as its official gemstone in 1967.
Wyoming Jade is said to be some of the finest nephrite in the world and ranges from translucent to opaque in density and covers the complete spectrum of green from pale to olive. This gem should not be confused with jadeite, also known as jade, which is often found in colors of pink, yellow, lavender and orange as well as green. Both gems can be fashioned into jewelry but jadeite is the preferred and more valuable stone.
Jade has been used, historically, to attract love. In China, a jade butterfly is used as a symbol to invite a love interest. An ancient Chinese legend tells of a young man who follows a beautiful butterfly into a wealthy family’s garden and meets his true love. Jade can also be used to bring money into your life. Love… (visualize me using the universal scale weighing gesture), I guess you can’t lose if the gem spirits get mixed up. Holding a stone of jade while making a fiscal business decision will help you use your funds more creatively and productively.
Jade can be used as a protective amulet against accidents and misfortune. It is particularly good to protect children from illness. Chinese parents often give their sons and daughters jade bracelets to remind them of their love and to keep them safe.
The addition of a nephrite jade bead to my necklace will be helpful in the healing of lung, kidney, heart and stomach ailments. It can also strengthen my mental faculties, assist in clear reasoning and encourage emotional balance and stability. (Good Luck.) It can also be used to heal PTSD and nervous system overload.
The state of Wyoming designated Jade (Nephrite) as its official gemstone in 1967.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
One of the most beautiful gemstones on earth, Alabama's state gem is the Star Blue Quartz.
Different colored quartz stones are popular state gems. New Hampshire has the smokey quartz, South Dakota the rose and Arkansas and Georgia share the star blue with Alabama. Commercially, quartz is made into glass, eyeglasses, electrical components, abrasives, and gemstones. Since it is so prevalent, the blue quartz is a popular but not costly jewelry selection.
The Star blue quartz is a good healing stone. It eases throat tension, aids the immune system, calms over-stimulation and hyperactivity and assists with detoxification.
It helps the wearer to expand self expression and creativity, enhances organizational abilities, and promotes self-discipline and orderliness. It encourages one to see and accept reality as it actually is.
As a stone of hope, the star blue can lift depression and replace it with peace and happiness. It also has been known to reduce stubbornness and emotional tension.
If you sit with blue quartz between your hands and focus on a person you want to send good thoughts to, you may hear from that person soon. It can also help one express their thoughts and dreams and aid in meditation.
The addition of the Star Blue to my necklace will bring peace and happiness, reduce emotional tension and moderate stubbornness (never happened).
The Star Blue Quartz was named the Alabama state gemstone in 1990.
Different colored quartz stones are popular state gems. New Hampshire has the smokey quartz, South Dakota the rose and Arkansas and Georgia share the star blue with Alabama. Commercially, quartz is made into glass, eyeglasses, electrical components, abrasives, and gemstones. Since it is so prevalent, the blue quartz is a popular but not costly jewelry selection.
The Star blue quartz is a good healing stone. It eases throat tension, aids the immune system, calms over-stimulation and hyperactivity and assists with detoxification.
It helps the wearer to expand self expression and creativity, enhances organizational abilities, and promotes self-discipline and orderliness. It encourages one to see and accept reality as it actually is.
As a stone of hope, the star blue can lift depression and replace it with peace and happiness. It also has been known to reduce stubbornness and emotional tension.
If you sit with blue quartz between your hands and focus on a person you want to send good thoughts to, you may hear from that person soon. It can also help one express their thoughts and dreams and aid in meditation.
The addition of the Star Blue to my necklace will bring peace and happiness, reduce emotional tension and moderate stubbornness (never happened).
The Star Blue Quartz was named the Alabama state gemstone in 1990.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Do you need a gemstone to go with your tie-dyed shirts and dresses? Well, fossil coral could be what you’re looking for. Fossil coral looks like little tie-dyed “flowers” of white on a brown, gray, black, yellow or red background. Over time the coral, that was encased in chalcedony, was replaced by agate giving the stone the appearance of little batiked gems. Jerry Garcia would have been proud.
Fossil coral has been worn for many centuries to ward off the "evil eye." If placed as an ornament in the home it is said to bring good luck. Historically sailors used coral as a talisman against bad weather.
Coral was thought to give its wearer wisdom and modesty, bravery and prudence and to promote a balanced and stable family life. The fossil coral is believed to be helpful in recalling past lives and to help you understand the influence past lives has on the present. (I believe we’re talking about Karma here.)
A fossil coral bead added to my necklace can reduce stress and fear and combat foolishness, nervousness, depression, panic and nightmares. It can act as a remedy for intestinal spasms, bladder issues, poisoning and sleeplessness. If dissolved in wine, it can be used as an effective pain-killer. (In large does, what can’t?)
Although not technically a gemstone, Fossil Coral became West Virginia’s State Gem on March 10, 1990.
Fossil coral has been worn for many centuries to ward off the "evil eye." If placed as an ornament in the home it is said to bring good luck. Historically sailors used coral as a talisman against bad weather.
Coral was thought to give its wearer wisdom and modesty, bravery and prudence and to promote a balanced and stable family life. The fossil coral is believed to be helpful in recalling past lives and to help you understand the influence past lives has on the present. (I believe we’re talking about Karma here.)
A fossil coral bead added to my necklace can reduce stress and fear and combat foolishness, nervousness, depression, panic and nightmares. It can act as a remedy for intestinal spasms, bladder issues, poisoning and sleeplessness. If dissolved in wine, it can be used as an effective pain-killer. (In large does, what can’t?)
Although not technically a gemstone, Fossil Coral became West Virginia’s State Gem on March 10, 1990.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
I’m a pearl girl so this is very exciting for me. How about a whole necklace of freshwater pearls and agates? You laugh but during our 50 Plus 2 in 52 excursion I purchased one in honor of South Dakota’s Fairburn Agate. So hooray for Kentucky for putting these two wonderful “stones” together.
In 1986, schoolchildren in western Kentucky petitioned their state representative to propose the freshwater pearl as the state gemstone and it became official on July 15, 1986. The stories don’t tell why the children specifically thought this should happen but since, historically, freshwater pearls were naturally found throughout the Mississippi and Tennessee River valleys, they probably wanted to salute a beautiful local resource.
Presently, mussels with freshwater pearls are cultivated through man-made processes on "pearl farms" along Kentucky Lake. Pearl cultivation in Tennessee is a multi-million dollar industry, providing pearls, primarily, to the Japanese cultured pearl industry. Okay, I don’t know about you but this shoots down my illusion of Japanese pearls. They’re actually from Tennessee….. Really?
Freshwater pearls are thought to bring love, money, protection, and luck. They are believed to keep children safe. (Maybe the children of Kentucky were hedging their bets.) The Greeks believed that wearing pearls would promote marital bliss and prevent newlywed women from crying. (Is this why so many brides wear pearls? And why my parents gave me a pair of baroque pearl earrings on my wedding day. This explains so much.)
Pearls are symbolic of purity, innocence and faith as well as love, success and happiness. I don’t know about the rest but they make me happy and if you ever saw my Mother’s pearl collection you would think she was the happiest woman on earth.
A pearl added to my necklace would improve endurance and emotional stability and help balance body rhythms and hormone levels with the natural world. It would also aid stomach, spleen, intestinal tract & ulcer problems.
The Kentucky agate is a variety of Fortification agate which is an agate that has a pattern where all bands connect to each other resembling a medieval fortress and its protective moat. These agates typically sport bands of red, black, yellow, and gray and are often discovered along river and creek drainage.
Stringing yet another agate onto my necklace will promote courage, emotional strength, self-confidence, and will dispel fears. Agates enhance healing of all kinds by bringing the elements of the wearer into harmony. Physically, agate is helpful in healing tooth and gum issues, stomach problems, and insomnia.
The Freshwater Pearl became Kentucky's "Official Gemstone" in 1986 and the Kentucky Agate it’s "Official State Rock" in 2000.
In 1986, schoolchildren in western Kentucky petitioned their state representative to propose the freshwater pearl as the state gemstone and it became official on July 15, 1986. The stories don’t tell why the children specifically thought this should happen but since, historically, freshwater pearls were naturally found throughout the Mississippi and Tennessee River valleys, they probably wanted to salute a beautiful local resource.
Presently, mussels with freshwater pearls are cultivated through man-made processes on "pearl farms" along Kentucky Lake. Pearl cultivation in Tennessee is a multi-million dollar industry, providing pearls, primarily, to the Japanese cultured pearl industry. Okay, I don’t know about you but this shoots down my illusion of Japanese pearls. They’re actually from Tennessee….. Really?
Freshwater pearls are thought to bring love, money, protection, and luck. They are believed to keep children safe. (Maybe the children of Kentucky were hedging their bets.) The Greeks believed that wearing pearls would promote marital bliss and prevent newlywed women from crying. (Is this why so many brides wear pearls? And why my parents gave me a pair of baroque pearl earrings on my wedding day. This explains so much.)
Pearls are symbolic of purity, innocence and faith as well as love, success and happiness. I don’t know about the rest but they make me happy and if you ever saw my Mother’s pearl collection you would think she was the happiest woman on earth.
A pearl added to my necklace would improve endurance and emotional stability and help balance body rhythms and hormone levels with the natural world. It would also aid stomach, spleen, intestinal tract & ulcer problems.
The Kentucky agate is a variety of Fortification agate which is an agate that has a pattern where all bands connect to each other resembling a medieval fortress and its protective moat. These agates typically sport bands of red, black, yellow, and gray and are often discovered along river and creek drainage.
Stringing yet another agate onto my necklace will promote courage, emotional strength, self-confidence, and will dispel fears. Agates enhance healing of all kinds by bringing the elements of the wearer into harmony. Physically, agate is helpful in healing tooth and gum issues, stomach problems, and insomnia.
The Freshwater Pearl became Kentucky's "Official Gemstone" in 1986 and the Kentucky Agate it’s "Official State Rock" in 2000.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Massachusetts – RHODONITE
Rhodonite is considered the most beautiful gem material found in Massachusetts. I don’t know what its competition is but it is quite lovely and is used, often, in jewelry and ornamental pieces. It is named after the Greek word for rose, rhodon, which describes its rosy-pink color. The stone varies in hue from light pink to deep rose but the most popular is a stone that contains veins of black manganese running through it.
Known as the “Stone of Peace”, Rhodonite is thought to help resolve conflicts and establish balance. Holding this gem promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well being. The pink of the stone is said to enhance love and decrease anxiety while the black inclusions help keep the wearer grounded. Rhodonite raises self worth and helps ward off negativity. Placing Rhodonite on your desk can ward off unwanted visitors and interruptions. One Rhodonite paper weight, please.
The addition of a Rhodonite bead to my necklace can help to reduce inflammation of the joints and help restore physical energy after a trauma. It will improve hearing, decrease sensitivity to light and improve muscle reflex. If carried or worn after a serious illness or heart attack, it will quicken the recovery time. Wounds and cuts will heal more rapidly, with less scarring if applied directly to the injury.
Rhodonite was recognized by Massachusetts in 1979 as the state gem.
Known as the “Stone of Peace”, Rhodonite is thought to help resolve conflicts and establish balance. Holding this gem promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well being. The pink of the stone is said to enhance love and decrease anxiety while the black inclusions help keep the wearer grounded. Rhodonite raises self worth and helps ward off negativity. Placing Rhodonite on your desk can ward off unwanted visitors and interruptions. One Rhodonite paper weight, please.
The addition of a Rhodonite bead to my necklace can help to reduce inflammation of the joints and help restore physical energy after a trauma. It will improve hearing, decrease sensitivity to light and improve muscle reflex. If carried or worn after a serious illness or heart attack, it will quicken the recovery time. Wounds and cuts will heal more rapidly, with less scarring if applied directly to the injury.
Rhodonite was recognized by Massachusetts in 1979 as the state gem.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Hawaiian state gemstone, black coral (‘Ä“kaha kÅ« moana), is in reality a skeleton from the living organism and is almost exclusively used, commercially, in jewelry. Live coral is considerably rarer and almost never used in jewelry, although I’m picturing a perfect Lady Ga Ga ensemble. Black coral is a tree-like coral that is mostly found in the deep warm waters of the south Pacific and the Caribbean. I personally prefer the vibrant reds and coral color versions but I’m warming up to the shiny luster of the black coral.
Coral has so many healing and protective properties associated with it that it’s not surprising that it plays a significant role in the talisman, amulets and sacred jewelry of so many cultures. It is often seen in spiritual jewelry and adornment from the ancient Romans, who believed it protected children from harm and cured snake and scorpion bites. And have you ever seen an Egyptian antiquity that doesn’t incorporate coral? This gemstone was also thought to be magical since it was a favorite of and frequently visited by the mermaids.
All corals are linked to soothing and the release of stress while black coral is also thought to increase creativity. It is told that black coral will absorb the surrounding negative energy. I think I need a door made out of black coral for my office.
The addition of a black coral bead to my necklace will bring peace, stimulate creativity, relieve stress, and assist in curing blood-related ailments. (Although I’m told that it works better if it is rimmed in silver and worn on the ring finger.)
Black coral was designated as Hawaii’s official state gemstone in 1987.
Coral has so many healing and protective properties associated with it that it’s not surprising that it plays a significant role in the talisman, amulets and sacred jewelry of so many cultures. It is often seen in spiritual jewelry and adornment from the ancient Romans, who believed it protected children from harm and cured snake and scorpion bites. And have you ever seen an Egyptian antiquity that doesn’t incorporate coral? This gemstone was also thought to be magical since it was a favorite of and frequently visited by the mermaids.
All corals are linked to soothing and the release of stress while black coral is also thought to increase creativity. It is told that black coral will absorb the surrounding negative energy. I think I need a door made out of black coral for my office.
The addition of a black coral bead to my necklace will bring peace, stimulate creativity, relieve stress, and assist in curing blood-related ailments. (Although I’m told that it works better if it is rimmed in silver and worn on the ring finger.)
Black coral was designated as Hawaii’s official state gemstone in 1987.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
As we move from Louisiana to Texas, Petrified palmwood goes from being a state fossil to the state stone. This quartz-like stone comes from the fossilization of palm trees from between 20 - 40 million years ago, when the area from western Louisiana through eastern Texas was a lush tropical forest. Over time the trees that fell into the mineral-rich mud decayed into petrified wood. Petrified wood is called the most beautiful of fossils.
A bead of petrified palmwood added to my necklace will increase stamina and endurance while relieving melancholy, fever, gallstones, and eye problems. Petrified wood is also known as the stone of patience.
The blue Topaz is the official Texas state gemstone. Blue topaz, often treated by irradiation to produce vibrant blues, is one of the most popular and widely used of all gemstones.
The topaz is said to dispel sadness, anger and nocturnal fears. The Greeks believed it had power to increase strength and the Egyptians wore it as an amulet to protect them from injury.
A bead of blue topaz will promote artistic inspiration and encourage weight loss. (Forget the bead; I want a 10 carat lavaliere.)
Blue topaz was adopted as the state gemstone on March 26, 1969. The same legislation named petrified palmwood as the state stone.
A bead of petrified palmwood added to my necklace will increase stamina and endurance while relieving melancholy, fever, gallstones, and eye problems. Petrified wood is also known as the stone of patience.
The blue Topaz is the official Texas state gemstone. Blue topaz, often treated by irradiation to produce vibrant blues, is one of the most popular and widely used of all gemstones.
The topaz is said to dispel sadness, anger and nocturnal fears. The Greeks believed it had power to increase strength and the Egyptians wore it as an amulet to protect them from injury.
A bead of blue topaz will promote artistic inspiration and encourage weight loss. (Forget the bead; I want a 10 carat lavaliere.)
Blue topaz was adopted as the state gemstone on March 26, 1969. The same legislation named petrified palmwood as the state stone.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Louisiana – AGATE
The agate is the state gem of at least 5 other states beside Louisiana, and that’s not including the Fairburn Agate, making it the most popular state gemstone. You’ve got your fire agates and your moss agates, your Mexican, Greek and Lake Superior agates. You’ve got your lace agate and your banded agate, your pink, blue, purple or black agate. But as far as I can find out the Louisiana state gem is just your plain old agate.
Rumor has it that there is some major rock hound agate collecting done around the Baton Rouge parishes. But heck, once you’ve been mining for diamonds what’s an agate going to do for you?
Even though the agate doesn’t quite sparkle like the diamond its use in the making of jewelry, decorative vessels and ornamental objects goes back as far as the Stone Age. Early civilizations used the agate to create talismans to ward off evil and bring good luck. I guess I can’t get enough of these for my necklace.
Let’s see how else I will benefit by the addition of a lovely agate bead. The agate is said to guard against dangers, to encourage pleasant dreams, and to remove curses and eliminate bad luck. It is believed to have a calming effect during times of stress. (Agate body suit anyone?) It was believed to stimulate fertility, so why it was used to make one of earliest children’s toys, the marble, is anyone’s guess. (Hence the name “aggie” for a marble made out of agate.) Forget the aspirin and antacids, use an agate to cure arthritis, headaches, aid digestion and heal ulcers.
In 1976, the agate, found in abundance in the Louisiana gravel, became the state gem. (Petrified palmwood became the official state fossil at the same time.)
Rumor has it that there is some major rock hound agate collecting done around the Baton Rouge parishes. But heck, once you’ve been mining for diamonds what’s an agate going to do for you?
Even though the agate doesn’t quite sparkle like the diamond its use in the making of jewelry, decorative vessels and ornamental objects goes back as far as the Stone Age. Early civilizations used the agate to create talismans to ward off evil and bring good luck. I guess I can’t get enough of these for my necklace.
Let’s see how else I will benefit by the addition of a lovely agate bead. The agate is said to guard against dangers, to encourage pleasant dreams, and to remove curses and eliminate bad luck. It is believed to have a calming effect during times of stress. (Agate body suit anyone?) It was believed to stimulate fertility, so why it was used to make one of earliest children’s toys, the marble, is anyone’s guess. (Hence the name “aggie” for a marble made out of agate.) Forget the aspirin and antacids, use an agate to cure arthritis, headaches, aid digestion and heal ulcers.
In 1976, the agate, found in abundance in the Louisiana gravel, became the state gem. (Petrified palmwood became the official state fossil at the same time.)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Arkansas - DIAMOND
In your best Marilyn Monroe, sing it with me, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. And who would have guessed that the mother lode was 1 state away. Well, not really the mother lode but Arkansas is host to the only diamond-producing site in the world that’s open to the public. So grab your shovel we’re going to the Crater of Diamonds State Park in southwest Arkansas and prospect for white, yellow and brown diamonds. The great thing is that, unlike most state parks where collecting the “rocks” is frowned upon, here they actually let you keep what you find.
Now we’re not talking diamonds of the highest quality when it comes to the four Cs (cut, color, clarity, and carat) but it still sounds like a hoot and I bet they have one helluva gift shop.
Now let’s see what happens when I add a diamond bead to my necklace. First of all, I didn’t even know that you could get diamond beads but I was able to find some raw diamond beads in yours and my favorite store, how fun is that. As a symbol of purity, the diamond is said to help bring love and clarity into our relationships. (Anyone still wonder why a traditional engagement ring is a diamond.) To the brilliant woman who originally started that rumor, the women of the world salute you. The diamond also represents commitment, fidelity, and trust.
The diamond is believed to stimulate creativity, inventiveness, imagination and ingenuity. Sing it John - “Lucy in the Skies with Diamonds”, okay, different diamond. It’s also known to treat dizziness and vertigo, and fight severe depression. But I think that’s only the really big rocks. So the next time your husband accuses you of being “a dizzy broad” you can tell him what he can get you to solve the problem. He might not “go to Jared’s” but it will certainly cure him of making these wild accusations.
Arkansas designated the diamond as the official state gem in 1967. (Interestingly enough, that was the same year that “Lucy in the Skies with Diamonds” was released by the Beatles, ponder that one a little.) At the same time, quartz crystal was recognized as the state mineral. So just for fun, we’ll include a quartz crystal to the necklace to add balance and positive energy.
Now we’re not talking diamonds of the highest quality when it comes to the four Cs (cut, color, clarity, and carat) but it still sounds like a hoot and I bet they have one helluva gift shop.
Now let’s see what happens when I add a diamond bead to my necklace. First of all, I didn’t even know that you could get diamond beads but I was able to find some raw diamond beads in yours and my favorite store, how fun is that. As a symbol of purity, the diamond is said to help bring love and clarity into our relationships. (Anyone still wonder why a traditional engagement ring is a diamond.) To the brilliant woman who originally started that rumor, the women of the world salute you. The diamond also represents commitment, fidelity, and trust.
The diamond is believed to stimulate creativity, inventiveness, imagination and ingenuity. Sing it John - “Lucy in the Skies with Diamonds”, okay, different diamond. It’s also known to treat dizziness and vertigo, and fight severe depression. But I think that’s only the really big rocks. So the next time your husband accuses you of being “a dizzy broad” you can tell him what he can get you to solve the problem. He might not “go to Jared’s” but it will certainly cure him of making these wild accusations.
Arkansas designated the diamond as the official state gem in 1967. (Interestingly enough, that was the same year that “Lucy in the Skies with Diamonds” was released by the Beatles, ponder that one a little.) At the same time, quartz crystal was recognized as the state mineral. So just for fun, we’ll include a quartz crystal to the necklace to add balance and positive energy.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
If you followed my 50Plus2in52 blog, you’ll know that the Fairburn Agate is the culprit behind this blog concept. And I have my work cut out for me to best the Fairburn sunset behind Mount Rushmore on that map.
The Fairburn Agate is distinguished by its sunset color bands in patterns that appear to suggest that an artist’s paintbrush was used during its creation. Although these banded agates can be found in other areas of the states, the “mother lode” has been found near Fairburn, South Dakota in the southern Black Hills area. The search for a perfect specimen of this striated agate brings amateur and professional “rock hounds” from all over the globe to the badlands. Interestingly enough, that’s one of the reasons that Fairburn enthusiasts lobbied to make the Fairburn Agate the state gemstone of South Dakota, hoping that it would bring the treasure hunting tourists to the area.
The Fairburn Agate, like most other agates can be used to ease stress and anxiety and since it’s a mellow stone can be helpful to heal and improve relationships.
When I add the Fairburn Agate to my necklace, as well as easing stress, it will reduce tooth and stomach issues and help cure insomnia.
The Fairburn agate was nominated as South Dakota's state gemstone on February 11, 1966.
The Fairburn Agate is distinguished by its sunset color bands in patterns that appear to suggest that an artist’s paintbrush was used during its creation. Although these banded agates can be found in other areas of the states, the “mother lode” has been found near Fairburn, South Dakota in the southern Black Hills area. The search for a perfect specimen of this striated agate brings amateur and professional “rock hounds” from all over the globe to the badlands. Interestingly enough, that’s one of the reasons that Fairburn enthusiasts lobbied to make the Fairburn Agate the state gemstone of South Dakota, hoping that it would bring the treasure hunting tourists to the area.
The Fairburn Agate, like most other agates can be used to ease stress and anxiety and since it’s a mellow stone can be helpful to heal and improve relationships.
When I add the Fairburn Agate to my necklace, as well as easing stress, it will reduce tooth and stomach issues and help cure insomnia.
The Fairburn agate was nominated as South Dakota's state gemstone on February 11, 1966.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Illinois – FLUORITE
Fluorite can be found in a rainbow of colors; white, yellow, blue, green and purple, it’s literally a Mardi Gras in a stone. The term fluorescence is derived from the word fluorite, which is understandable when you see a truly vibrant specimen. With yellow, green and purple all wrapped into one gem, who needs beads?
But as pretty as Fluorite is, it’s lacking in personality. Most of the domestically mined fluorite is used in making steel, enamels, aluminum, and glass. Gemstone quality is typically mined outside of the States in Austria, Switzerland and Mexico. And, of course, Illinois is the largest producer of Fluorite in the United States. By the way, Fluorite is actually Illinois’ official mineral, with no state gemstone designated.
Now let’s see what ailments I’ll reduce, eliminate or cure by adding a fluorite bead to my necklace. Fluorite is called the "Genius Stone" as it’s said to increase your ability to concentrate, helps in decision-making and dissolves mental blocks. As a member of the over 50 club, I’m ordering a bib of fluorite. It also uncovers your free spirit. Too late.
A bill was passed in 1965 that declared Fluorite to be the Official State mineral of Illinois.
But as pretty as Fluorite is, it’s lacking in personality. Most of the domestically mined fluorite is used in making steel, enamels, aluminum, and glass. Gemstone quality is typically mined outside of the States in Austria, Switzerland and Mexico. And, of course, Illinois is the largest producer of Fluorite in the United States. By the way, Fluorite is actually Illinois’ official mineral, with no state gemstone designated.
Now let’s see what ailments I’ll reduce, eliminate or cure by adding a fluorite bead to my necklace. Fluorite is called the "Genius Stone" as it’s said to increase your ability to concentrate, helps in decision-making and dissolves mental blocks. As a member of the over 50 club, I’m ordering a bib of fluorite. It also uncovers your free spirit. Too late.
A bill was passed in 1965 that declared Fluorite to be the Official State mineral of Illinois.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Oh boy, off with a bang. Blue chalcedony is a marvelous vision of striations from light blue (almost periwinkle) to royal blue but what I didn’t know was that it contained such strong spiritual properties. If all the gems that we explore have such powerful healing traits and I make a necklace with one bead of each stone (now that’s an idea), I’ll live forever.
It is said that Blue Chalcedony supports the immune system, lowers blood pressure and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can even heal the lungs and respiratory system of the effects of smoking and cures the eyes, gallbladder, blood and circulatory system of whatever ails them. This beautiful agate also promotes a sense of peace and joy. Placed as a decoration in a child’s room and the youngster will be free of nightmares. WOW!
The artistic striations are formed by layers of quartz. In the US the blue agate is found in northwestern Nebraska which adopted it as its state gem in 1967.
I think I forgot to mention in the opening that I would, once again, “color in” the map with my interpretation of the state gem image. And Blue Chalcedony was a good place to start. We’re rocking now!
It is said that Blue Chalcedony supports the immune system, lowers blood pressure and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can even heal the lungs and respiratory system of the effects of smoking and cures the eyes, gallbladder, blood and circulatory system of whatever ails them. This beautiful agate also promotes a sense of peace and joy. Placed as a decoration in a child’s room and the youngster will be free of nightmares. WOW!
The artistic striations are formed by layers of quartz. In the US the blue agate is found in northwestern Nebraska which adopted it as its state gem in 1967.
I think I forgot to mention in the opening that I would, once again, “color in” the map with my interpretation of the state gem image. And Blue Chalcedony was a good place to start. We’re rocking now!
Friday, January 28, 2011
A Gem of an Idea
As 50Plus2in52 drew to a close I promised that I’d be back after the holidays with a new project. Well, here it is. Inspired by the painted Fairburn Agate sky of the South Dakota map I decided that I would, once again, take out the “pear bag” and randomly select a state to explore. This time, instead of celebrating the state, its culture, its cuisine and its people, I would go deeper into the ground and explore its state gems, minerals, rocks or fossils.
I have no plans for major weekly state celebrations but envision a personal adventure into the US gem world. Of course, I hope you will travel along with me while I research and illustrate the natural beauty hidden under the soil of all our states. And maybe we’ll make a purchase or two along the way. From the earthy agates to the brilliant citrines, from the cherished pearls to the spiritual turquoises we will enjoy the natural beauty our country has to offer.
I have no plans for major weekly state celebrations but envision a personal adventure into the US gem world. Of course, I hope you will travel along with me while I research and illustrate the natural beauty hidden under the soil of all our states. And maybe we’ll make a purchase or two along the way. From the earthy agates to the brilliant citrines, from the cherished pearls to the spiritual turquoises we will enjoy the natural beauty our country has to offer.
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