A Gem of a Country

A Gem of a Country

Friday, November 18, 2011


The Michigan State Gem, Chlorastrolite, commonly called "Greenstone" or "Isle Royale Greenstone", is a bluish-green stone with patterns often associated with the back of a turtle. Greenstone pebbles are chiefly found on the beaches of Isle Royale in Lake Superior.

Michigan designated the Isle Royale greenstone as the official state gem in 1973.

Although a very attractive stone, I couldn’t find any healing properties associated with Chlorastrolite so I’ll move on to the state stone of Michigan, the Petoskey Stone.

The Petoskey stone is a rock and a fossil, often pebble-shaped, that is composed of a fossilized coral. It is made up of fragments of a coral reef deposited millions of years ago and is only found in Michigan. Lapidary techniques bring out the distinctive mottled pattern, making it a favorite of decorative object designers.

Petoskey Stone is said to keep mischievous spirits from channeling incorrect information or interfering with one's life. It is said to enhance awareness of the emotions and to clear out negative energies from the environment. The Petoskey Stone is believed to enhance creative expression.

Traditional healing folklore contends that the Petoskey Stone is helpful for healing AIDS, Cancer, infections, diseases of the skeletal system, and tumors of all kinds.

The addition of the Petoskey stone to my necklace can help me to be the best I can be at work and to instill excellence at home.

Michigan designated the Petoskey stone as its official "state stone" in 1965.