The Sunstone is a species of feldspar related to Labradorite, a stone I always thought was mysterious and allusive. The color of a Sunstone is determined by the quantity of copper metal in the stone, the more the copper the darker the stone. The Oregon Sunstone is the most common form of Sunstone on the current market.
During the Renaissance the Sunstone was associated with the sun because of its sparkling orange-gold hue. In medieval times it was used by magicians to summon the energy of the sun to bring power and wealth.
The Sunstone is considered a protective stone. It is said to be able to give you extra energy when you are ill or under stress and to increase self-healing powers. Maybe because it encourages harmony among the organs.
The owner of a Sunstone is joyful, good natured, optimistic and intuitive. It promotes good humor, cheerfulness and self confidence. This sunny stone may provide the necessary stamina and energy to undertake projects and tasks that one may otherwise find daunting and it always encourages the wearer to find the positive side of any event.
Since the person in procession of a Sunstone carries a little piece of the sun they can successfully overcome the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD.
The addition of the Sunstone to my necklace will help to alleviate general aches and pains, cure sore throats, reduces stomach tension and aid in the healing of spinal problems.
On August 4, 1987, the Oregon State Legislature designated the Oregon Sunstone as its state gemstone.