ancient times, the Moonstone was believed to inspire tender passions and give
one the ability to read their future but only on a full moon and only by
placing the gem in your mouth. The
Romans, who fashioned the Moonstone into jewelry, believed that the stone was
formed from the light of the moon. This belief was also held by the people of India
Over the years, love spells and clairvoyance has been associated with this gemstone. In Victorian times, the Moonstone was used as the ultimate symbol of love, the engagement ring.
Known as a talisman for health and good fortune, the Moonstone is also considered the traveler's stone, protecting explorers on journeys. Ornaments of Moonstone were also hung in fruit trees to promote a bountiful harvest.
Moonstones are thought to bring balance to one’s emotions, to stimulate intuition, encourage dreams and hopes and to help one welcome change without fear. Rainbow Moonstones encourage calm and improve wisdom and perception. Peach Moonstones improve self-image, confidence and sensuality, Silver Moonstone harmony and peace. Put one under your pillow to ensure a good night's sleep. Do this during a full moon to hedge your bet.
Throw out the aspirin and the rest of the OTC drugs and get yourself a cabinet full of Moonstones to promote healthy digestion, calm nerves, cure headaches, reduce cramps, stop nose bleeds, and protect against sun stroke. It was also thought to increase fertility, enhance libido, prevent epileptic seizures and rid the body of toxins.
addition of the Moonstone to my necklace will calm my nerves and allow me to
get a good night’s rest.
1970 the Moonstone was designated the official state gem of Florida to honor
Apollo 11 astronauts who took off from the Kennedy Space Center and landed on
the moon in 1969. Ironically, the Moonstone is not native to Florida or the moon.