A Gem of a Country

A Gem of a Country

Friday, November 16, 2012


Since Turquoise is so important to the Native American culture it is no surprise that it’s the state gemstone of Arizona.  But since we already covered this beautiful stone in week 18 when we discussed New Mexico (See - Bead 21) I’m not going to rehash all that good info.

I will, however, talk about my choice of Turquoise beads.  For the past 5 or 6 years I have been amassing an exquisite collection of goddesses.  The majority of these have the serene, pure cameo look of the beautifully crafted Balinese goddesses.  I have a few, but not many, of the buxom, earthy, maternal full-figured goddesses pictured here.  But my necklace needed a goddess to generally protect and keep me safe, so here she is. 

So in the spirit of friendship and love, the addition of the motherly Turquoise goddess to my necklace is there to wish you peace and inner calm.

Turquoise was designated the official gemstone of Arizona in 1974.