A Gem of a Country

A Gem of a Country

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Alaska - JADE

With all the gemstones in the world you wouldn’t think we’d run into that many duplicate state gemstones, but alas…….
Having the second largest deposit of Jade in the world, it kind of makes sense that Jade would become the representing gemstone of our 49th and largest state, Alaska.  But as I mentioned we’ve covered Jade in an earlier entry (See Wyoming, Bead 14) so I’ll skip the unique properties of this rich and protective stone and tell you about the Jade Mountain.
Found in the Far North Region of Alaska, on the Seward Peninsula, the truth is there is little to learn about the, inaccessible by road, Jade Mountain, save that it is entirely made up of Jade.
I expected to find tales of gnomes and ogres, fairies and trolls or at least a tall tail about a Russian nesting doll come to life (since you can see Russia from the back yard).  But no brilliantly woven tales were to be found.  Not even an Eskimo whale story.  So I am left, as are you, to my own devices to imagine the tale of the famous (fill in your own mythological or fairy-tale creature) that did something, that angered someone, who imprisoned someone in the illusive Jade Mountain.  Or better yet a giant elf turned to Jade by an evil witch.  And Jade Mountain is actually the elf hat reaching up to the sky.
How far we can roam……

The addition of Jade to the necklace will bring increased energy, reduce stress, and attract good luck and friendship.  (But does little for the imagination.)

Alaska legislated Jade to be the official state gemstone in 1968.