A Gem of a Country

A Gem of a Country

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Oh boy, off with a bang. Blue chalcedony is a marvelous vision of striations from light blue (almost periwinkle) to royal blue but what I didn’t know was that it contained such strong spiritual properties. If all the gems that we explore have such powerful healing traits and I make a necklace with one bead of each stone (now that’s an idea), I’ll live forever.

It is said that Blue Chalcedony supports the immune system, lowers blood pressure and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It can even heal the lungs and respiratory system of the effects of smoking and cures the eyes, gallbladder, blood and circulatory system of whatever ails them. This beautiful agate also promotes a sense of peace and joy. Placed as a decoration in a child’s room and the youngster will be free of nightmares. WOW!

The artistic striations are formed by layers of quartz. In the US the blue agate is found in northwestern Nebraska which adopted it as its state gem in 1967.

I think I forgot to mention in the opening that I would, once again, “color in” the map with my interpretation of the state gem image. And Blue Chalcedony was a good place to start. We’re rocking now!

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