A Gem of a Country

A Gem of a Country

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Massachusetts – RHODONITE

Rhodonite is considered the most beautiful gem material found in Massachusetts. I don’t know what its competition is but it is quite lovely and is used, often, in jewelry and ornamental pieces. It is named after the Greek word for rose, rhodon, which describes its rosy-pink color. The stone varies in hue from light pink to deep rose but the most popular is a stone that contains veins of black manganese running through it.

Known as the “Stone of Peace”, Rhodonite is thought to help resolve conflicts and establish balance. Holding this gem promotes relaxation and brings a sense of well being. The pink of the stone is said to enhance love and decrease anxiety while the black inclusions help keep the wearer grounded. Rhodonite raises self worth and helps ward off negativity. Placing Rhodonite on your desk can ward off unwanted visitors and interruptions. One Rhodonite paper weight, please.

The addition of a Rhodonite bead to my necklace can help to reduce inflammation of the joints and help restore physical energy after a trauma. It will improve hearing, decrease sensitivity to light and improve muscle reflex. If carried or worn after a serious illness or heart attack, it will quicken the recovery time. Wounds and cuts will heal more rapidly, with less scarring if applied directly to the injury.

Rhodonite was recognized by Massachusetts in 1979 as the state gem.

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