A Gem of a Country

A Gem of a Country

Monday, August 29, 2011

New Jersey - PREHNITE and AMBER

Even though New Jersey ranks among the world's three most noted gem and mineral producing regions it does not have an official state gemstone. The northern Skylands Region is rich with rubies, sapphires, blood-red garnets, pink Rhodonite, fluorescent Willamette, prehnite, amber and other precious beauties. Jersey is home to more than 200 mineral species.


According to Franklin Mines, NJ, this gemstone is the Unofficial State Mineral of New Jersey. A colorless, gray, yellow, yellowish-green or white stone, Prehnite is named for the Dutch mineralogist and early governor of the “Cape of Good Hope” colony, Colonel Hendrik Von Prehn (1733-1785), who discovered it in South Africa in the early 18th century. Prehnite was the first mineral to be named after a person.

Prehnite is said to make dreams easier to remember and reduce nightmares. It is thought to bring balance and harmony to the flow of life energy. Prehnite can assist in forming healthy relationships and is known as a “stone of unconditional love”. Some feel that Prehnite crystals can also assist one to release old, painful memories.
Prehnite helps to clear toxins from the body and can assist in finding the root cause of an illness.

The addition of Prehnite to my necklace can ease the pain of kidney, shoulder, chest and lung ailments.


Amber is polymerized tree resin that has hardened and has been preserved. An especially rich bed of Amber was found in New Jersey that yielded samples dating back as much as 94 million years. The most treasured Amber encases species of insects, spiders, frogs, marine microfossils, feathers and other small organisms.

Amber has been used historically in the manufacture of jewelry and ornaments, and also forms the flavoring for akvavit liquor.

In Lithuania, an amber necklace was placed around a child to prevent kidnapping. Beaded amber necklaces are still a traditional gift for a child to express love and protection. In Latvia, bands of amber rings were used in wedding ceremonies to symbolize an eternal bond.

Amber can help the wearer fight depression. It absorbs pain and negative energy and promotes self-confidence and creative self-expression. Amber helps to attract joy and bring wisdom, balance and patience.

Adding Amber to my necklace will combat depression and aid in the treatment of throat, stomach, kidney and joint problems.


Northwest New Jersey is known as "The Fluorescent Capital of the World." One of these fluorescent minerals is Willemite. Willemite, in its normal state, is a rather non-descript stone but hit it with a fluorescent light and you see neon colors of green, orange and blue.

Willemite helps us to be kind to all creatures, and is associated with caring and tenderness.

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